Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Formula to increase your Financial Networth

Its 16th March,so let me start by Wishing everyone a very Happy Gudi Padwa.

Its been a long time since I have updated my blog but I have decided starting today I would be sharing my thoughts & views as and when I get time.
Today been an auspicious occasion I would like to write about the formula adopted by the Rich & Wealthy Class & the one adopted by the Poor & the Middle Class.

Why some people are very rich & some people very poor when both of them work hard.
I have been trying to find out the reasons & finally came with one of the reasons that differentiates a Rich Class & a Poor Class & that is the formula that they adopt in their life.I would like to share the same formula that determines which class the person belongs to.

Old system for Success [Adopted by the Poor Class & Middle Class] :
H*N =I
(also called "the time_for_money trap")

where H - Hourly Wage
N -No. of hours
I - Income

New system for Success [Adopted by the Rich & Wealthy Class] :
T*E^2 = $
(also called "the power of leverage")

where T - Time Invested
E - Exponential Growth
$ - Financial Freedom

Linear Growth : 5+5 = 10 (In short "Linear = Limited")

Exponential Growth : 5^5 = 25 (In short "Exponential= Explosive")

Finally I would like to conclude with the parting thoughts that,
"Rich People have NETWORK & the Rest of them have WORK"
~Prashakth Kamath™

I have decided to follow the formula adopted by the Rich,now its your choice which formula do you want to follow in your life.

If you have any suggestions/feedback please post ur comments.It would be appreciated!!

See you at the top,
Prashakth Kamath™

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